Refund Policy!
We want to ensure that our customers are fully informed about our refund policy. Any items that are shipped to you are carefully wrapped and well protected to reduce the chance of any issues. However, despite our best efforts, items can unfortunately become damaged or go missing during the shipping process, which is largely beyond our control. In the event that an item arrives at your location in a defective condition, is damaged, or if you happen to receive the wrong order altogether, we kindly ask that you contact us within 48 hours via Facebook, text, or email. Please be sure to include a clear photo of the item or items in question. Once we have investigated the matter, we will promptly send out a replacement as quickly as possible. However, if the item in question is currently out of stock, we will proceed to issue a full refund to you. Our ultimate goal is for every product we send to you to arrive in the same flawless condition it was in when it left our facility. Please note that we do not offer refunds for a simple change of mind!